New Year, New You Dressing with Feng Shui Discover your Feng Shui element - Which of the 5 essential human life elements is yours? Earth, Water, Wood, Metal and Fire. Find your element based on the table below. Your element is based on your birth year. Embrace your element with Feng Shui dressing to enhance yournatural presence.
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After the decluttering, organizing and creating categorized sections of the Feng Shui Closet Memoirs, you’re on to the decor. The first phase creates order and prevents panic attacks when you open your closet. This next phase brings a sense of who you are to your closet decor and creates a serene environment for your daily dressing routine.....
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The arrival of spring means it's time for closet transition. Why not make it a Feng Shui closet to give you less anxiety in the morning? For some, opening the closet to figure out what to wear could be a daunting task. Oh my, what will I wear? I only have a few seconds to figure it out. I have such and such to do today. Like any area of life being organized and prepared helps to alleviate unnecessary stress.....
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